更新时间:2021-12-20      所在城市:Sydney 悉尼      小区:Greystanes, 2145      电话: 0405081946


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Wood’s building management provides building management services, facilities management and concierge services to the commercial, residential, public properties and retail outlets. We are focused on a progressive, modern approach to our tasks, in close collaboration with our clients, giving them peace of mind.
Our service:
 Produces Yearly Maintenance Plans
 Provides a trained Building Manager who spends the agreed time supervising all contractor’s works and services
 Maintenance & Repairs: painting, irrigation / plumbing, fire equipment, mechanical / ventilation, drainage, lifts, lighting and electrical, landscape and grounds, cleaning and waste, security, and miscellaneous
 Compliance services: fire services, lifts, city water, and pool, with due and completion date
 Recommendations and proposals for client consideration
 Services completed by contractors including what was addressed, the outcome and the date
 Effectively manages the building assets, extending the life and increasing re-sale value of the building
 Ongoing management of the operating costs (repair and updates, and maintenance) which helps to reduce costs and extend the useful life
 A long term professional and proactive building management service approach
 An effective partnership between the Owners Corporation and our staff, who provide a depth of expertise, specialisation, and stability








 电话: 0405081946
 联络: Weixi Wu
 地址: 28 Runyon Ave. Greystanes NSW 2145
 邮件: woodsbuildingmanagement@outlook.com


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