更新时间:2015-01-16 所在城市:Sydney 悉尼 小区:Chippendale, Sydney Central, 电话: TEL:86 532 81151087 /(61) 08 89326969 H.P: 18953233321 微信: QQ:907039618
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商家 ID: B8915 所在板块:[AUSPLUS Group Ltd. is an enterprise group involved in the fields of aquatic products processing and sale. Through a decade of years′ experience and efforts, we have dedicated to establish a seafood supply chain on raw material purchasing, researching, producing and distributing.
With the advantage of material origin, we have established stable production base as well as rigid international purchasing standards and Q.C.(Quality Control) system ensuring a sery of foods with high quality and safety can be provided under our brands of AUSPLUS and BESTON. We are determined to be innovative, constantly developing, resourcing and benefit mutually thus offerring the finest and freshest seafoods to consumers worldwide responding to market demands.
With the commitment to continuously develop and resource new and innovative products, we hope to deliver the best to consumers worldwide.
电话: TEL:86 532 81151087 /(61) 08 89326969 H.P: 18953233321
微信: QQ:907039618
联络: 李先生
地址: 29 Miller Court GUNN NT 0832 Australia
邮件: 13863998111@139.com
网站: http://www.ausplusgroup.com.au
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