万事通 Sydney - 商家 ID: B4684

Job Centre Australia

更新时间:2015-01-20   [ 升级广告 ]  [ 商家登入 ]
所在板块:[ 悉尼职业中介 ]  [ 商家认证 ]
所在小区:Mooney Mooney Creek, Sydney North,
电话:1800 466 046 / 4322 5511
地址:95 Erina Street Gosford NSW 2250

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Welcome to Job Centre Australia

Job Centre Australia limited is a Specialist Disability Employment Service (DES), funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR). We specialise in the placement and support of persons with a disability.

Our Disability Employment Service aims to help our clients find and gain employment. We provide one-on-one onsite training and ongoing support to our clients so they keep the job. We have provided specialist employment services to people with barriers for over 20 years.

Our TTW program, funded by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC), is designed to provide two years of training to school leavers with a disability. The aim of TTW is to prepare clients in training and work readiness.

Our youth2work program has been specifically designed to meet the needs of youth or school leavers with a disability.

Our Aboriginal Employment Pathways Program has been specifically designed to the needs of A




电话:1800 466 046 / 4322 5511
地址:95 Erina Street Gosford NSW 2250



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悉尼职业中介板块提供悉尼职业中介和找工作等信息,包括职业介绍所,职业中心中介机构和代理,人才猎头公司,政府job center等。




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